We provide complete landscape designs for approximately 10 projects each year. Every project is a collaborative effort so we see out projects where we believe there is the possiblity for a strong connection with our clients through a like-minded vision for the landscape and its connection to the house and the surrounds. 

Our designs are mission-driven and ecologically minded. We believe that beauty, history, practicality and ecology are all important and inter-connected elements of every landscape.

Some projects we implement ourselves but many we play an integral role in the oversight of the installation, in particular the planting element.

Our projects have ranged from the grounds of a 14th century castle to greenroofs on new buildings. Beyond aesthetics and practicality, the elements below are the most important to us in each design:


Landscape restoration is a process of improving the ecological integrity of degraded landscapes. We feel this can apply to just about any project - from a small herb patch or foundation planting to acres of pasture or a construction site. For each project both history and ecology are considered to come up with designs that improve the landscape in the long-term. 

For true ecological restoration projects we consult with local botanists, ecologists and other specialists to come up with the best design possible.


Regenerative landscapes bring the human element into the design discussion for long-term sustainability. Regeneration in the landscape is the concept of seeing how we can create landscapes that act as resources both for people and wildlife. It can incorporate elements of innovative farming strategies from permaculture and forest gardens to constructed wetlands and meadows.

The over-arching goal of a regenerative landscape is to implement a plan that can both provide basic resources for humans over time yet requires less human inputs over time.


Function and practicality are the lynchpins to good design. We examine and plan for the interaction between buildings and their environment as well as the flow of people through the landscape. Greenroofs, bioswales, hidden gardens, vegetable patches, stormwater management - they are functional elements of a landscape that we integrate through design.